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Animals as specific objects of obligations under Polish and German law
ISBN: 3737010447 3847110446 Year: 2021 Publisher: [s.l.] : V&R unipress,

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Defining where the needs of contracting parties end, and where the mistreatment of animals begins is especially difficult in contract law, where protecting animals is not a basic premise. Thus, although animal law is a widely discussed topic, the position of animals under civil law has not been discussed comprehensively before. The first chapters of the book set the background for subsequent civil law considerations given that the object of a contractual obligation is an animal, and the impact this has on the conclusion, performance and consequences of non-performance of a contract. It constitutes a unique interdisciplinary and comparative work focused mainly on animals in contractual relations (e.g. sale, donation, lease, tenancy, commission, agency, safe-keeping, training contracts).

Killing tradition : inside hunting and animal rights controversies.
ISBN: 9780813125282 Year: 2008 Publisher: Lexington University press of Kentucky

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Animal rights --- Hunting --- Hunting

Der Wald-Wild-Konflikt : Analyse und Lösungsansätze vor dem Hintergrund rechtlicher, ökologischer und ökonomischer Zusammenhänge
Year: 2010 Publisher: Göttingen, Germany : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Die ökologischen und ökonomischen Risiken, die sich aus der in Deutschland üblichen Schalenwildbewirtschaftung für Waldökosysteme ergeben, werden allgemein unterschätzt. Die vor allem durch Wildverbiss verursachten Schäden verringern die Schutzwirkung von Wäldern und beeinträchtigen den vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels notwendigen Waldumbau. Die gesetzlichen Grundlagen für eine Verbesserung der Situation sind größtenteils bereits vorhanden, in einigen entscheidenden Punkten jedoch verbesserungsbedürftig. Es fehlt aber an deren Umsetzung. Es werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, die Probleme zwischen der forstlichen Haupt- und der jagdlichen Nebennutzung zu lösen oder zumindest zu entschärfen. Das in dem Band diskutierte Instrumentarium reicht von der Stärkung des Verantwortungsbewusstseins aller Akteure bis hin zu denkbaren Sanktionen bei gleichbleibenden Verbissschäden.

Interspezies Lernen
Year: 2021 Publisher: Wetzlar, Germany ; Bielefeld : transcript Verlag,

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Tierschutz- und Tierrechtsfragen haben mittlerweile die Lehrpl̃ne, Tagesordnungen und Schwerpunktsetzungen der unterschiedlichsten Bildungseinrichtungen und -initiativen erreicht. Deren Akteur*innen stehen vor der Herausforderung, die Relevanz von Tierethik und Tierrechten nicht nur der Sache nach darzulegen, sondern auch deren Vermittlung zu konzeptualisieren: Wie k̲nnen tierschutz- und tierrechtsbezogene Bildungsprozesse gestaltet werden? Die Beitr̃ger*innen des Bandes diskutieren dazu bildungstheoretische Grundlinien ihrer jeweiligen F̃cher f|r ein Lernen, das konsequent spezies|bergreifend gedacht ist und also von einem Standpunkt des Menschen "Inter-Spezies" ausgeht.

Feminist Animal and Multispecies Studies: Critical Perspectives on Food and Eating
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9004679375 Year: 2024 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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This book develops critical feminist animal and multispecies studies across various societal and environmental contexts. The chapters discuss timely questions broadly related to food and eating, stemming from connections drawn between critical animal studies, feminist theory, and multispecies studies. The themes explored include trans-inclusive ecofeminism, decolonial perspectives to veganism, links between the critique of ableism and animal exploitation, alternatives to dominant Western masculinities invested in meat consumption, and the politics of sex and purity in factory farming. The book explores responses to interlinked forms of exploitation by focusing on sites such as sanctuaries, educational institutions, social media, and animal advocacy.

Animal rights activism
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9048525489 9089647643 Year: 2017 Publisher: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press

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We're in an era of ever increasing attention to animal rights, and activism around the issue is growing more widespread and prominent. In this volume, Kerstin Jacobsson and Jonas Lindblom use the animal rights movement in Sweden to offer the first analysis of social movements through the lens of Emile Durkheim's sociology of morality. By positing social movements as essentially a moral phenomenon-and morality itself as a social fact-the book complements more structural, cultural, or strategic action-based approaches, even as it also demonstrates the continuing value of classical sociological approaches to understanding contemporary society.

One rights : human and animal rights in the anthropocene.
ISBN: 303119201X 3031192001 3031192036 9783031192036 Year: 2023 Publisher: Heidelberg Springer

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This is an open access book. Animals are the traditional blind spot in human rights theory. This book brings together the seemingly disparate discourses of human and animal rights, and looks at emerging animal rights as new human rights. It approaches the question whether animals can and should have human rights through a comprehensive review of contemporary human rights philosophy, discussing both naturalistic and political justifications of human and animal rights. On philosophical as well as practical grounds, this book argues that there are compelling conceptual, principled, and prudential reasons for modernizing the human rights paradigm and integrating animals into its protective mandate. Moreover, this book proposes the novel One Rights approach as a new (post-)human rights paradigm for the Anthropocene. One Rights advances a holistic understanding of the indivisibility and interdependence of human and animal rights. This book explores how the systematic subjugation, exploitation, and extermination of animals simultaneously contributes to some of the gravest social and environmental threats to human rights, such as animalistic dehumanization and climate change. This book submits that, in light of their socio-political and ecological interconnectedness, human and animal rights are best protected in concert. The themes of this book are part of a larger conversation about postanthropocentric legal paradigms emerging in the Anthropocene. For human rights to survive in this era of anthropogenic crises, we need to abandon the toxic ideology of human exceptionalism and embrace a more inclusive version of (post-)human rights that tends to the nonhuman. This book intends to show that a holistic One Rights approach promises to achieve better rights-protective outcomes for humans, animals, and their shared planetary home.

Integrationism and the Self : reflections on the legal personhood of animals
Year: 2019 Publisher: London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,

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This ground-breaking book draws from integrational semiology to investigate arguments around the rights of certain animals to be recognised as legal persons, thereby granting them many of the protections enjoyed by humans. This book argues that law and integrationism can be brought together in a challenging and productive synthesis.

Animal death
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1743320248 174332524X 174332023X Year: 2013 Publisher: Sydney Sydney University Press

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Animal death is a complex, uncomfortable, depressing, motivating and sensitive topic. For those scholars participating in Human-Animal Studies, it is – accompanied by the concept of 'life' – the ground upon which their studies commence, whether those studies are historical, archaeological, social, philosophical, or cultural. It is a tough subject to face, but as this volume demonstrates, one at the heart of human–animal relations and human–animal studies scholarship.

Animal (De)liberation : should the consumption of animal products be banned?
ISBN: 1909188840 1909188832 1909188859 9781909188853 Year: 2016 Publisher: London, United Kingdom : Ubiquity Press,

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In this book, Jan Deckers addresses the most crucial question that people must deliberate in relation to how we should treat other animals: whether we should eat animal products. Many people object to the consumption of animal products from the conviction that it inflicts pain, suffering, and death upon animals. This book argues that a convincing ethical theory cannot be based on these important concerns: rather, it must focus on our interest in human health. Tending to this interest demands not only that we extend speciesism--the attribution of special significance to members of our own species merely because they belong to the same species as ourself--towards nonhuman animals, but also that we safeguard the integrity of nature. In this light, projects that aim to engineer the genetic material of animals to reduce their capacities to feel pain and to suffer are morally suspect. The same applies to projects that aim to develop in-vitro flesh, even if the production of such flesh should be welcomed on other grounds. The theory proposed in this book is accompanied by a political goal, the 'vegan project', which strives for a qualified ban on the consumption of animal products. Deckers also provides empirical evidence that some support for this goal exists already, and his analysis of the views of others--including those of slaughterhouse workers--reveals that the vegan project stands firm in spite of public opposition. Many charges have been pressed against vegan diets, including: that they alienate human beings from nature; that they increase human food security concerns; and that they are unsustainable. Deckers argues that these charges are legitimate in some cases, but that, in many situations, vegan diets are actually superior. For those who remain doubtful, the book also contains an appendix that considers whether vegan diets might actually be nutritionally adequate.

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